Why You Need Emergency Medical Travel Insurance and How to Get It

Planning your next adventure is always exciting—whether it’s a beach vacation, a mountain hike, or exploring a beautiful city abroad. But when it comes to planning for your travels, emergency medical travel insurance isn’t usually on our to-do lists.

You might be thinking, “I’m healthy and careful. Do I really need this?” But when you find yourself in the middle of a medical emergency somewhere far away from home, you’ll thank yourself for being ready. Here are some compelling reasons why you should reconsider getting emergency medical travel insurance:


Medical Emergencies Can Happen Anywhere

No one likes to think about it, but accidents and illnesses can strike at any time. Imagine you’re hiking in the Swiss Alps and you sprain your ankle, or you’re enjoying street food in Bangkok and end up with a severe stomach bug. Medical emergencies like these can lead to hefty bills if you’re not prepared. 


High Cost of Medical Care Abroad

Medical treatment costs vary greatly around the world, and they can be exorbitantly high, especially if hospitalization or emergency evacuation is needed. 

Squaremouth, a travel insurance comparison site, reported that in 2022, medical evacuations were the top payout, with an average cost exceeding a whopping $80,000.

Without insurance, you might have to pay out of pocket, which can quickly drain your savings.


Coverage for More Than Just Medical Bills

Good emergency medical travel insurance doesn’t just cover hospital and doctor visits. It can also cover medical evacuation, repatriation, and even trip interruption or cancellation due to health reasons. This means you won’t be stranded far from home without the means to get back.


Why You Need Emergency Medical Travel Insurance and How to Get It


Getting the Right Insurance


Assess Your Needs

Are you going to a remote area where medical facilities are scarce? Do you have any pre-existing conditions? Are you planning adventurous activities like skiing or scuba diving? You need medical insurance that would best fit your and your family’s needs.

If you’re going on a short, domestic trip and you’re in good health, airline-provided insurance might be sufficient. This is pretty easy to get as you can add these on when you book flights online. For longer, international trips or if you have major health concerns, a more comprehensive policy is advisable.


Research and Compare Plans

Comparison sites like InsureMyTrip or Squaremouth can help you compare multiple plans side by side and make the best choice.  Aside from coverage, other important things you should look at include coverage limits, exclusions, and of course, cost. 


Check for Comprehensive Coverage

Ensure the plan you choose offers comprehensive coverage. This should include:


  • Emergency medical and dental care
  • Medical evacuation and repatriation
  • Trip interruption and cancellation
  • Coverage for pre-existing conditions (if applicable)
  • 24/7 assistance services


Read the Fine Print

Understanding the policy details can prevent nasty surprises later. Pay attention to exclusions, like adventure sports, and make sure you’re covered for all planned activities.  


Consider Annual Plans for Frequent Travelers

If you travel multiple times a year, consider an annual travel insurance plan. It can be more cost-effective and save you the hassle of buying insurance for each trip.


Get a Plan That Suits Your Travel Style

If you’re a budget traveler, look for affordable options that still provide essential coverage. If you prefer luxury trips, a premium plan might offer perks that enhance your travel experience.

Investing in emergency medical travel insurance is a smart move that can save you from financial stress and logistical nightmares in the event of an emergency. It’s a small price to pay for peace of mind, knowing that if something goes wrong, you’re covered. Check out this comprehensive Insurance for Nomads by SafetyWing and start traveling with peace of mind.


Wishing you safe travels and worry-free adventures!

Published: 2024-06-18 13:11:19
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