Since the start of the pandemic, sales of portable pulse oximeters have been rising. Should you have an oxygen reader at home?
A pulse oximeter measures your heart rate and the saturation of oxygen into your red blood cells, and it is an easy way to ensure that some of your vital signs are stable While a home oxygen saturation monitor is not entirely necessary, it may help you identify whether you need to be seen by a doctor, and it may give you peace of mind.
If you think you would like to have an oxygen reader at home in case of COVID-19 infection, read on to learn how to use a pulse oximeter, what the numbers mean, and how it may be helpful for people with COVID-19.
How do you use a portable oxygen reader?
Using a portable pulse oximeter is really quite simple.
Simply by placing a small clip on your finger, you can see your heart rate and how much oxygen your blood is retaining. Then, compare it to normal vital signs and seek medical attention if appropriate.
Normal heart rate and oxygen saturation levels are standardized for adults, though they vary for babies and children. A normal heart rate is 60-100 beats per minute; a normal oxygen saturation level is 94-100. Hypoxia, or low oxygen saturation, is indicated by levels 88-93, while severe hypoxia is evident with numbers below 85.
Medical conditions, use of nail polish, skin color, and circulation issues may cause false readings with pulse oximeters, so it is important to consult with your doctor to determine what your normal reading is for reference.
Why do people use pulse oximeters when they have COVID-19?
Portable pulse oximeters have been flying off the shelves since the pandemic began. But why, exactly, do people feel the need to use them?
Pulse oximeters in the context of COVID-19 can be used to determine when you should see a doctor or go to the hospital. They can also help detect silent hypoxia when it occurs. Most frequently, an oxygen reader can give infected people peace of mind about their vital signs.
Simply by placing a small clip on a finger, you can get a sense of what your heart rate is and how much oxygen your blood is retaining. Since COVID-19 is primarily a respiratory infection, this can help you monitor how well your blood is receiving oxygen. If your oxygen saturation is below 95% when you have COVID-19, you should contact your doctor. If it is below 90%, you should go to the emergency room.
Importantly in the setting of COVID-19, a portable oxygen reader can help detect silent hypoxia, a condition in which a person looks and may even feel comfortable but has oxygen levels significantly below normal. For infected, symptomatic people, regular oxygen monitoring can prevent this dangerous complication and at times prevent the need for a ventilator if hospitalized.
Most of all, the use of a portable pulse oximeter at home can help you find peace of mind. When you are feeling sick and short of breath, it can help to take a look and find that your heart rate and oxygen saturation are normal.