If there’s one thing nearly anyone studying for the CPA exam wants to improve, it’s the ability to focus. Unfortunately, mustering the ability to focus with a lot of self-talk and willpower isn’t usually very useful. This is because exam study time is often very mundane, and a lot of other duties are competing for attention every day.
Anyone intent on passing the CPA exam would do well to learn techniques that will help them stay focused. A CPA Exam bootcamp is a great place to learn some of these skills. More are listed below.
Get Rid of Distractions
The world is full of distractions. There are probably more distractions now than there ever were. They are also very tempting, from kids to the internet. Nobody can get away from all of it, but there should be an effort to narrow distractions down to as few as possible. Here are a few tips to get started with:
- Find a quiet place to study, even if it means leaving your home
- Turn off the phone
- Ask others not to contact you while you are studying
- Close the door to the room where you are studying
- Close programs or apps that don’t apply to your studies
Watch the Caffeine
A little caffeine can be a good pick-me-up when needed, but too much is counterproductive and may seriously affect your ability to concentrate and learn. The key to using the advantages of caffeine’s cognitive-enhancing effects is to consume in moderation. As study progresses, monitor yourself for how you respond, and trust your judgments.
Practice the Pomodoro Method
Studying effectively for the CPA exam means getting more done in less time. The best way to accomplish this is to break the task down into smaller pieces. This calls for the Pomodoro method. That strategy helps anyone to train their brain to stay on task. Best of all, it’s easier to learn. All the strategy requires is a timer.
- Set a timer for 25 minutes, then get to work
- When the alarm sounds, take a five-minute break
- Set the timer for another 25-minute increment and get back to work
After accomplishing four rounds of this, take a more extended break—from 20 to 30 minutes
Put a Limit on Social Media
Social media is fun, but it can also be a huge time waster. Suppose you are one of those people who find themselves checking Facebook or Instagram every 10 minutes. In that case, you might want to consider apps such as Freedom, Focus, FocusMe, or AppBlock, which will block social media outlets.
Fuel Your Body
Focusing your brain is dependent on what you feed it. For that reason, it’s always a good idea to eat plenty of nourishing food to keep your mind and body in top shape.
Besides the usual lean protein and complex carbohydrates, make sure to get enough brain foods such as leafy vegetables, fatty fish such as salmon, nuts and berries, and caffeine, in moderation.
Get Enough Sleep
It’s no secret that a vast majority of Americans don’t get enough sleep. When someone is busy, it’s okay to skimp in this department, but doing it night after night can negatively affect your body and mind. Experts agree that most adults should get seven or more hours of sleep every night. Adults over 60 might need up to nine hours of sleep every night.
It doesn’t matter whether someone is dealing with too many tasks or studying for the CPA exam, ignoring any of the tips above can be detrimental to achieving your goal. Observe them, however, and the rewards can be immense.