Proper servicing and maintenance of your vehicle gives you a great drive and also keeps your mind at rest that everything is working as it should under the bonnet and helps to keep the resale value of your car higher.
If you buy and maintain your car in the best way possible and go to a reliable expert auto repair shop, you can sometimes sell it back to the market at a nearly equal price to the actual buying price.
People think that cars depreciate when this is not always the case. You should always want to benefit as much as possible from owning a car, financially through the freedom it gives you.
This article gives you a few tips which you can use to maintain your car.
Before you plan car servicing and maintaining your car, it is very critical that you should come to know precisely the amount of money you should be spending to achieve this. You do not need to spend all of the money in your bank to maintain your car.
Maintenance becomes easy if you service the car as regularly as required based on the manufacturers’ recommendations. You should expect to do the servicing at least yearly. However, there are the regular maintenance costs which you will do periodically like tyres and screen wash.
Such regular needs will always be indicated in your car manual or on your dashboard. It is advisable that you follow such instructions in the guide. The basic yearly servicing should be an average of £125 – £250 depending on the vehicle.
Tips During Servicing
1. Always use the car manual
The manual is part of your car. Some people assume the manual and opt to use their own knowledge instead. This is wrong. Each vehicle comes with its manual which must be respected.
Apart from the written manual, there are also some messages which you will be receiving as they pop onto your car dashboard for maintenance. Some tell you the fuel level and others the temperature of the engine. Any warning message should be responded to.
Failure to respond to such instruction can make you pay heavily for the problem to be fixed after the event. It is better to stop immediately and react to it.
2. Always have enough pressure
When you have the right pressure in your tire, it gives you a peaceful drive and the preferred speed. Otherwise, the tire will wear out very quickly. You can also get black rhino wheels for a more improved driving condition.
The cost of replacing an average tyre is £70 or just 50p to check if you need more air. If you drive a tyre without pressure, it will wear out very fast making you replace it. The secret to making a tire last for a long time is to have it with enough pressure in always.
3. Find a good independent garage
This is what can make you enjoy your car maintenance or not. You will visit some garages and waste a lot of money without having your car properly serviced.
A good garage should have an open and transparent pricing strategy. They should also give you precise information about the problem in your vehicle. You do not just sit down and wait for whatever comes out.
You should be told even the type of solution that they want to fit into your car. Whatever you agree on is what you should expect including the timing.
Getting such a garage may be difficult, so you should consider asking your colleagues and friends for directions to a good garage.
Even after being directed, you have a role to play. For instance, you have to ask for the price estimate before the work begins. Once a proper diagnosis has been made, you should be given a breakdown on what charges are going to be.
If the pricing is too high for you, you can always ask for a price reduction. Once you agree on the pricing, ensure that the car guide is being used in the whole servicing process.
He or she should not use spare parts which do not match your car. In the end, you should pay the exact actual cost and not the estimate.
4. Always be there
This is one thing that most people assume. When you take your car to a garage that you are not used to, be there until the services are done.
This idea of dropping your car at the garage and disappearing could cost you. You could find the servicing has been done at times not as per the car user guide. This could cost you a lot in the long run