Juice.ph is looking for bloggers that have the guts and the abilities to uncover the undiscovered! We believe that hidden in the nooks, crannies, and crevices of Metro Manila are cool and happening go-to spots that no one has ever treaded before.
There are two ways of joining WTJ! (What’s the Juice?): photo blogging and writing. If you are dying to click your cameras, then you are most certainly perfect for Shoot Some Juice! But if you think that talent is best expressed in writing, then Write Some Juice!
2 best submissions for each contest will be declared winners! The winners for both contests of WTJ will be the featured bloggers and photographers of Juice.ph for a whopping 3 months, and get to experience the best events, dining places, parties, and gimiks the Metro has to offer. Plus chosen bloggers will win iPad 2’s. Promo runs from May 25, 2011 to June 29, 2011.
Click the link for more info: http://www.juice.ph/buhaypinoy/features/the-search-is-on-for-the-next-juice-bloggers