Pulsed Electromagnetic Field ( PEMF) therapy might be an effective non-drug alternative if you intend to avoid potential side-effects of certain medicines like ibuprofen, NSAIDs, or acetaminophen. You can use it to complement other treatments. Research shows PEMF therapy puts your body on the journey of healing by reducing inflammation, swelling, and pain. It enhances circulation and cellular metabolism to boost your energy.
Joy, Comfort, and PEMF Therapy! Does It Make Sense?
PEMF therapy involves the use of PEMF machines. Modern life has made it difficult for humans to benefit from the natural magnetic field of the earth. PEMF machines make it possible for us to experience the magnetic field as it duplicates the natural electromagnetic frequency of the earth.
PEMF therapy enables you to enjoy a pain-free life filled with joy and comfort. But how? PEMF is not a treatment; rather, it optimizes the natural process of self-healing at the cellular level. The low voltage of the cells causes many bodily issues. The job of PEMF therapy is to adjust the cellular voltage. The mechanism of PEMF therapy activates the intercellular release of calcium and nitric oxide. It results in the production and growth of blood vessels and also in the regeneration of damaged tissues.
1. Joint and Bone Health
PEMF therapy supports your joint function and bone density. Researches show that in some patients, PEMF reduced swelling and edema. It also showed improvement in certain similar conditions like neck pain, and low back arthritis, knee osteoarthritis, and stiffness in muscles and joints. It is worth mentioning that there is no uniform recommendation for the frequency, wavelength, and strength of PEMF.
2. Stress Kills so Kill Stress
Chronic and excessive stress is the root cause of many physical ailments and causes huge damage to your brain cells. A regular PEMF therapy targets the cells in your endocrine and nervous systems and directs your body to respond to stress differently. In short, it influences your brain to repair the damaged tissues. As a consequence, your body becomes less reactive to prolonged stress. FDA has approved Transcranial PEMF for the treatment of depression.
3. Sound Sleep with Sweet Dreams
A sound sleep of 6 to 8 hours is a prerequisite for a healthy body and mind. It rejuvenates and revitalizes you. Sleep disturbance adversely impacts your body’s equilibrium. PEMF cures your sleep disturbances by relaxing your muscles. The theta-delta frequency of PEMF resonates with the brain. It triggers the release of Melatonin, a hormone responsible for sound sleep. Besides, it stimulates HGH, a hormone having anti-aging quality. So sleep well and look younger during the daytime.
4. Brain Function
PEMF therapy improves brain function, mental focus, and synaptic responses. It modifies the way your brain functions while keeping it relaxed, awakened, and able to absorb and retain information with lesser difficulty. If you are a student or are involved in any strenuous mental activity, PEMF is bliss for you. Whether it be problem solving, data processing ability, or multi-tasking, the inducing of beta brain waves helps you to concentrate, focus and work efficiently.
Who Should Avoid PEMF Therapy?
- The people with pacemakers, cochlear implants, or intrathecal pumps
- The people with electromagnetic sensitivity
- Pregnant women
- Elderly people should consult the physician before using the therapy.
- Make sure that the person using the PEMF machine for therapy is authorized, trained, and certified.
PEMF therapy is a non-invasive technique for mental, physical, or even emotional wellbeing. It puts your body towards healing most naturally. It has lots of benefits, including energy boost, bone, and joint health, inflammation reduction, and whatnot. It is a pain-free strategy to make your life pain-free.