Over the years, many cultures from around the world got homed in London and in other parts of Britain- the impact can be clearly witnessed in the food scene here. Main dishes from the Japanese, French, Indian, Mexican and American cuisine have made deep inroads into the staple diet of the Britishers. From devouring your […]

Burgers and Crepes at Café BretonI’ve only had a few guy friends in my entire life and one of them is a classmate/batchmate back in high school. We haven’t seen each other for a long time and we rarely kept in touch during those years, pero buti na lang we got to exchange comments in one of my FB posts and […]
Choconuts C&C by Crazy CrepesCrazy Crepes – Choconuts C&C Crepe with fresh cream, Cookies & Cream ice cream, chocolate syrup, almonds, and flakes for Php 85 + Php 15 (for the ice cream) Before Atlanta Crazy Crepes had been established here in the Philippines, majority of its outlets are in Japan. I bought my Choconuts […]