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I start making New Year’s resolutions around this time of the year to identify the changes I want to make and goals I need to reach for the next year. My resolutions are actually reflections of the things I want to improve in my life, and every year I make an effort to keep at least one or two in my list.
My resolutions for next year will focus more on my family’s physical well-being. I’ve already made a few changes to my health habits the past year (e.g. drink at least 8 glasses of water, eat meals on time, exercise regularly) so now I’m going to be more involved with my family’s health habits.
For my two children, I always make sure that they get all the nutrition their growing bodies need. Aside from milk and vitamin supplements, I serve nutritious food like fruits and vegetables. I rarely allow my eldest to grab a bag of chips with little or no nutritional value. I prefer serving bite-sized pieces of meat and fruits on his plate. For my 8-month old son who just recently started eating solid food, I give him dry cereals for infants, mashed fruits and fresh fruit juices. It’s best to teach them about healthy eating choices at a young age.
My husband had high cholesterol levels due to the nature of his work. According to studies, people doing mentally stressful activities generally have high cholesterol levels. He also finds it hard to work out during his free time because all he wants to do is to relax. I became worried but all I can do is encourage him to live a healthier lifestyle and promise to support his journey.
The Promise of Good Health for 2014
It’s a good thing that Circulan, a supplement that promises good health, was introduced to me. It strengthens the circulatory system using 4 potent herbal extracts – Hawthorn Berry, Ginkgo Biloba, Garlic Oil, and Lemon Balm.
Hawthorn Berry: It helps treat both high blood pressure and low blood pressure, as well as high cholesterol. Circulan also works well for me because I’m anemic.
Ginkgo Biloba: It is known for improving blood circulation and memory problems. Improved blood flow to the brain and other parts of the body will definitely benefit my husband.
Garlic Oil: It is an extremely potent herb that treats a wide range of blood system and heart conditions. It’s good for people with a history of heart disease.
Lemon Balm: It’s best for people suffering from high blood pressure and rapid heartbeat due to nervousness.
Each of the herb’s descriptions are not only limited to the circulatory system. They all have many other benefits as well. That’s why I have also recommended Circulan to my mom who’ve been suffering from high blood pressure for years. I’m also at risk because my family from my mom’s side had heart problems in the past.
I believe that taking care of myself and my family should be the top priority. We might receive all the things we want to have in the future but without a healthy mind and body, it won’t be possible to enjoy those blessings.
Circulan Dietary Supplement