Planning a Detox? Here Are 5 Dos and Don’ts

After all the parties and toasts in the holidays, you may want to sit back, relax, and give yourself some time to rest and recover. You’ll be doing yourself a huge favor if you decide to cleanse your body of toxins through a detox. This process is not just for the indulgent holiday season, though. You can make it a part of your lifestyle to enjoy its many benefits.

Certain studies have shown that many health conditions like hormonal imbalance, mental fog, fatigue, low-quality sleep, and memory loss are all caused by a buildup of toxins in the body. These toxins come from many different sources and products found in everyday life. By detoxing, you help your body get rid of these toxic substances and return to a state of balance and health.

If you are all set to start detoxing, here are five dos and don’ts you should first know about.


Planning a Detox? Here Are 5 Dos and Don’ts



Do: Talk to Your Doctor

Not all detox programs are made equal. There are three-day or five-day detox plans that you can do at home, and there are more intensive ones that can last up to 90 days and might require you to check in with a specialist. What these methods have in common, though, is they are designed to remove toxins in your body and the elimination process can alter your physiological state.

So regardless of what type you are considering, you will need to consult your doctor first if you are suited for the detox program of your choice. Make sure to discuss with your physician if you are healthy enough to do the detox and how the program can possibly affect existing health conditions you may have.


Don’t: Follow Fads

Detoxification is all the rage right now and with good reason. The benefits of detoxing are plenty and well-reported, from improving the skin to fighting cancer. Be warned, though, that not all bodies respond the same way to detox. Some people can do well in a 10-day cleanse while others may struggle to complete a one-day detox.

Take time to research the products and plans you are thinking of trying. For example, you can try milk thistle to relieve liver disorders and gallbladder problems. You should also do a bit of personal evaluation to see if your current lifestyle can accommodate the changes you are about to make. Don’t just jump into the detox bandwagon; listen to your body’s needs, and always consult your physician if you have any special concerns.


Do: Practice Self-Discipline

Many detox programs will require you to exert some degree of self-discipline. Whether it is abstaining from certain food and drinks or completely quitting unhealthy habits, you will need to commit not just for the duration of the cleanse but even after. Detoxifying should not just be about achieving your desired weight or enjoying other short-term results, it should also give you long-term benefits such as establishing healthy eating habits and developing your self-control. Make the most out of the detoxification process by disciplining yourself and finding ways on how you can improve your present lifestyle.


Don’t: Strain Yourself

Although some detox programs can give benefits like improved metabolism and even weight loss, detoxing is not the same as fasting or dieting. A detox is meant to help your body restart and recover, not strain it.

If you feel dizzy or shaky or experience mood changes while on the detox, take a break and find out what may be causing it. Are you missing out any important nutrients in your current diet? In addition to the detox, do you need to change certain aspects of your lifestyle?

Again, listen to your body. Don’t just focus too much on the end goal or obsess with the number on the scale. If the detox does more harm than good, then there is no point doing it.


Do: Track Your Progress

Once you get started on your detox, make sure to track your progress. This can include journaling your food intake and exercise routines or noting down what symptoms you experience when you change certain aspects of your diet or lifestyle.

Treat the detox duration as a transitional period in which you can evaluate your current lifestyle and align it with your health goals. By keeping tabs on your journey you’ll be able to understand your body better and thus respond to it well.

Published: 2018-12-20 14:33:53
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