I’ve decided to breastfeed my baby due to its numerous health benefits. A breast pump is still a must because breasts get painful when they are engorged with milk, so excess milk should be pumped out and saved for later use.
This Pigeon breast pump is handy, durable, and very convenient to use – the best that I’ve had so far. I bought mine at SM North EDSA Department Store for Php 3,000.
- Expressing milk isn’t painful – thanks to its silicone cover!
- I’ve inspected each part of the breast pump and they are made of quality plastic materials
- Comes with a complete set for breastfeeding moms
- Easy to assemble/disassemble and easy to clean
It also features adjustable pumping function to imitate a baby’s sucking pattern – quick tempo (half press) to slower tempo (full press). Its soft Sealing Air Cushion stimulates and cares for your breasts naturally.
The Pigeon Natural-Fit Manual Breast Pump is a complete set for expressing milk, storing milk, and feeding your baby. It comes with:
- 2 BPA-free nursing bottles with sealing disks for storage
- 1 Pigeon Peristaltic Nipple for feeding
- Adaptor for wide-neck bottles
- 2-piece sample of Pigeon breast pads
- A stand which also acts as a suction cover
- 3 milk valves
- 2 silicone diaphragms
- A DVD for assembling instructions and other information