Original & Non-Original Car Mats

Original car mats come from the same manufacturer as your vehicle. They are more likely to be of a higher quality and fit better compared to non-original car mats. But there are non-original car mats with high sides that look great in your vehicle. The durability of original and non-original car mats may depend on the weather, but the former will usually last longer than the latter. When you are shopping at Mrcarmats, check the material and fastening mechanism of the particular mat before buying it. Here are some of the different materials that car mats are made of:


Original and Non-Original Car Mats


  1. 3D Car Mats


3D car mats are made of the highest quality materials and come with a host of benefits in terms of functionality including durability, protection from pollutants, climate versatility, comfortability of occupants, and safety. 3D mats are volumized and are aesthetically appealing to complement the style of the driver and bring joy to every ride.

The latest 3D mats are made from a material that keeps dust at the bottom of the vehicle and away from the indoor air in the vehicle. The best part about these vehicle mats is you don’t have to break the bank to purchase 3D car mats for your vehicle. In fact, it’s an investment surely worth making.


  1. Rubber Car Mats


Rubber vehicle mats are a popular alternative to 3D car mats. In fact, they are easy to wash, affordable, and provide complete protection from contaminants. Rubber car mats have an average lifespan of two to three years which isn’t bad in any way. Rubber car mats are a universal fit because they are cut in a generic shape. The disadvantages of rubber car mats are they may produce odor in heat and lose flexibility in the cold. You should invest in higher quality rubber car mats to minimize such issues.


  1. Polyurethane Car Mats


Polyurethane mats are quite similar to rubber mats but come with a couple of added benefits. They are more resistant to wear and tear and deformation and are lighter. In fact, polyurethane mats are also more durable and odorless and rarely retain dust. But they are three times pricier compared to rubber mats.

You need to hand-cut the mat to install polyurethane car mats in your vehicle. But it can have an unprofessional finish around the edges. If appearance is an important factor for you, you should opt for rubber car mats instead of polyurethane mats. On the other hand, polyurethane mats are quite smooth and could cause your feet to slip while driving the vehicle. They can also easily lose elasticity compared to rubber mats.


  1. Textile Car Mats


Textile car mats are also known as Pile or Fabric car mats. They look nicer than polyurethane or rubber mats. In fact, these mats help prevent slips, retain more dust, and don’t lose their shape when dried appropriately in the winter months. But the disadvantage of textile car mats is they lose their color quickly. They can also cause moisture to accumulate at the driver’s feet and fog the glass when the heater is on. But these characteristics are common in low-quality textile mats. You should keep this in mind when shopping for the best textile car mats on the market. Textile vehicle mats come with a rubberized base for contamination prevention and friction. Even though textile mats can be troublesome in cold weather, they are great in water temperatures.


  1. EVA Car Mats


EVA or Ethylene Vinyl Acetate vehicle mats are the new kids on the block. They are indeed quite impressive material. The design of these mats lets the user slightly tilt the car mat and safely remove it for cleaning purposes. You can do this without spilling the contaminants. Simply flip the mat 180 degrees and let it air for a while to clean and dry it. EVA car mats are chemical-resistant, environmentally friendly, do well in extreme climates, and are wear and tear-resistant.


  1. Velour Car Mats


Velour vehicle mats are another interesting option but are less known in the market. They retain dust and dirt and absorb water to keep your vehicle clean. Velour mats are also easy to clean, elegant, comfortable, and are a better option than textile mats.

This article provides information on six different materials of vehicle mats including the pros and cons of these mats. Your comfort, preference, and the climate of your area are important considerations when investing in the right car mat for your vehicle.

Published: 2022-07-26 17:40:58
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