Neurology focuses on the inner workings of the nervous system. This includes the brain, spinal cord, and nerves throughout the body.
So, you will most likely be referred to a neuro doctor in Singapore if you need help with a diagnosis or managing conditions that affect your nervous system. In this article, we will discuss the conditions that may warrant the attention of your neurologist in Singapore.
We will also explain what to expect when you visit a neurologist clinic. Keep reading!
What Conditions Require a Neurologist?
If you’re recommended an appointment with a neurologist in Singapore when you or no one close to you has ever been to a neurologist, the first question that may pop up in your mind is; what conditions require a neurologist? You may also wonder; what illnesses does a neurologist treat?
Here’s the answer; Neurologists treat illnesses of the spinal cord, the brain, muscles and the peripheral nerves. That said, the symptoms that may warrant an appointment with a neurologist may range from persistent headaches, to numbness, seizures, dizziness and memory loss.
Below is an overview of the five most common conditions that a neurologist can help you manage.
1. Parkinson’s Disease
Parkinson’s disease is a progressive neurological condition that commonly affects older adults over 60. It gradually diminishes motor skills, something which may lead to a slow gait, rigid limbs, tremors, shuffling, and impaired balance.
The cause of Parkinson’s disease remains unclear; while some cases have genetic links, most emerge spontaneously. The disease targets specific brain cells in the “substantia nigra.”
These are the cells responsible for producing dopamine, a vital neurotransmitter regulating muscle movement. When referred to a neurologist in Singapore for Parkinson’s disease, they may recommend physical examinations and sometimes imaging tests to assess brain function.
Neurologists offer various treatments tailored to manage symptoms, such as medication to enhance dopamine levels or therapies aiding movement and balance. They provide ongoing support and can adapt treatments as symptoms progress to improve your quality of life and slow disease advancement.
2. Stroke
A stroke occurs when arteries leading to the brain are compromised, something which may cause brain damage. Strokes often strike suddenly which makes it absolutely crucial to be able to recognize signs like blurred vision, confusion, numbness, or severe headache.
If stroke is detected or suspected, your best bet is immediate medical attention to minimize damage.
Post-stroke, neurologists focus on preventing subsequent episodes. Depending on you or your loved one’s condition, they may prescribe medications like blood thinners or drugs to manage underlying heart issues.
Importantly, they may also suggest lifestyle adjustments which may include regular exercise and a balanced diet to help you manage any stroke risk factors like diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, and smoking. A balanced diet in this case should be rich in fruits and vegetables.
3. Dementia
Essentially, dementia is an umbrella diagnosis for various brain-related conditions like Alzheimer’s which may lead to cognitive decline as one ages. It results in progressive brain tissue loss.
This may not only affect behaviors, but also impair emotions, memory, perceptions, and thinking abilities. Just like with other neurological conditions, if you or a loved one is referred to a neurology doctor in Singapore for dementia, you can expect the specialists to conduct thorough assessments for diagnosis and to rule out other conditions that may cause similar symptoms.
The assessments you can get may include cognitive tests and brain imaging, to diagnose specific types of dementia and its stage. If diagnosed, the specialist may prescribe medications and therapies to help with managing symptoms, slowing progression, or alleviating behavioral changes. A good neurology doctor in Singapore may also help you or your family to connect with support groups so you have access to valuable resources for coping strategies and emotional support.
4. Seizures
Simply put, seizures are disruptions in the brain’s electrical activity with episodes that vary significantly in severity. Because of these variations, seizures also come with diverse signs which can range from cognitive or emotional changes like fear, anxiety, or déjà vu.
Loss of consciousness, temporary confusion, and uncontrollable jerking movements of limbs are also common symptoms of seizures. If seizures are suspected, your neurology doctor in Singapore may recommend tailored evaluations which may include brain imaging and EEGs, to diagnose the condition accurately.
The key for seizures is identifying the underlying cause. Depending on your risk factors it may be due to epilepsy or triggered by factors like alcohol withdrawal, head trauma, fever, lack of sleep, low blood sodium, or certain medications.
When it comes to treatment, your best bet is a personalized treatment plan which may include medications, or lifestyle adjustments. Surgery may be recommended for severe cases.
5. Acute Spinal Cord Injury
Acute spinal cord injuries (SCI) are mostly caused by traumatic events that cause bruising, partial, or complete tears in the spinal cord. These injuries may cause a disruption in nerve messages between the brain and the body.
These injuries often result from falls, vehicular accidents, sports mishaps, violence, or infections affecting the spinal cord. If SCI is suspected, seeking immediate medical attention is always the best course of action.
For management, you may need a thorough evaluation by a neurologist. A good neurology doctor in Singapore may put you through comprehensive assessments which may involve using various tests like X-rays, CT scans, and MRIs to diagnose the extent and location of the injury.
Treatment for acute SCI involves emergency care to stabilize the spine and prevent further damage. While there’s no current cure for spinal cord damage, treatments focus on managing symptoms like corticosteroids to reduce swelling.
Ventilators may also be used to help with breathing, and surgeries may be recommended in severe cases to stabilize fractured vertebrae or relieve pressure on the cord.
Closing Thoughts
There are many conditions that may require the attention of your neurology doctor in Singapore and this list is by no means conclusive. That said, if referred or advised to see one take the recommendation or referral with the seriousness it deserves. For conditions like dementia and spinal cord injuries, timely management could mean the difference between recovery or proper management of the condition and severe damage.
To learn more about neurology conditions or schedule an appointment with a neurology doctor in Singapore, call or visit the Chou Neuroscience Clinic. We use a holistic approach for neurology conditions and are always keen to personalize treatments to meet the varied needs of our patients. Call or visit us at;
Chou Neuroscience Clinica
1 Farrer Park Station Road
#08-06 Connexion
Singapore 217562
6 Napier Road
#08-08 Gleneagles Medical Centre
Singapore 258499
+65 6694 7942.