Modern Area Rugs for a Cozy Living Room

Did you know that the right area rug can considerably upgrade your living space? Well, an area rug can either make or break any room. Even the most alluring furniture in the world still needs a plush area rug to look its best.

Area rugs can serve a myriad of purposes, such as a solely functional rug under your bed which helps you slip into your bed with a cushy landing. Other rugs are for purely ornamental purposes, such as an intricate flat-weave rug that elevates your décor.

Modern Area Rugs for a Cozy Living Room

Purposes aside; rugs are known to be notoriously costly—and rightfully so. Handmade rugs showcase certain intricate design techniques, which only a bona fide craftsman can execute.
Whereas these exceptional items are deserving of the costly price tag, the market presents several modern area rugs which are affordable yet do not compromise on quality. The following modern area rugs cost less than 200 bucks but don’t skimp on quality.


Sedona is one of the modern rugs available at the world’s fast-growing rugs seller, Wovenly. This area rug boasts a bold design, clean graphic lines, and strong geometric patterns that provide an outstanding visual impact. It features a gorgeous blend of charcoal and white, cautiously machine woven with the softest mix of synthetic materials.

This modern rug is sensationally plush but so strong that it can effortlessly withstand the high traffic common in a busy home. Sedona is suitable for use in various places including bedroom, entryway, living room, and other in-betweens. If you intend to use it in your bedroom, merging it with a memory foam mattress will be great because you will get the best sleep of your life.

Western Elm Lucent Rug

A round rug gives you unlimited décor possibilities—guaranteed. You can use this rug in conjunction with other round furniture in your home to yield a chic appeal. That’s not the only path you can take, though.

A round rug, such as this one, quickly defines a space regardless of the shape of your room or other things blending with it. Not only does it complete a vignette but it also creates a whole new conversation area in your living room in an instant.

This hand-loomed rug is available in a beautiful blush, so it remains an ideal upgrade for a conventional neutral. It stays functional without turning boring. This 6-inch round rug is great for defining a large space or filling a small one.


Boise is a modern abstract rectangular area rug with light and dark Gray hues which contrast each other to yield a faded rustic impact. This machine-woven rug has bold jagged lines, which symbolize a coarse and dark feel eased by this shade range.

This modern rug is akin to early morning fog, so you can incorporate this plush pile rug in any indoor space. You can put it in your bedroom in conjunction with the best latex mattress for supportive sleep all through the night. If you are fond of novels, a combination of this rug and mattress will have you coiling up in your bed with a mug of coffee, having a good read.

Published: 2019-02-23 09:14:46
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