My Rating: [rating=3]
I bought a Jollibee Spiderman tumbler last week. You can get it for only PhP 60 if you order any Jollibee Burger Meal.
I gave it to my husband because it’s the perfect water bottle to match his Spiderman-inspired bike. He has been recently customizing my dad’s old bicycle and joining my relatives’ weekend cycling activities. I’m happy that he found a new hobby that has many mental and physical benefits. Riding a bike is on my Life List, because somewhere in the middle of my sedentary lifestyle I’ve forgotten how to.
The Jollibee Spiderman tumbler surprisingly has an image-appearing effect. The photo of Spiderman is there but it’s in black and white. I followed the instructions and poured in cold water for the first time and just like magic, the color quickly became visible. But I was quite disappointed that the should-be red color turned out pale (more like a peachy, pomelo pink shade.) I was expecting a bold color but hey, it doesn’t look bad at all.
Aside from the tumbler, you can also get a Jollibee Chickenjoy bucket treat (featuring the Amazing Spider-Man, of course) and any of Jollibee Kids Meals (includes Spidey toys such as the Wall Jumper, the City Leaper, and the Disc Launcher) to satisfy your web-slinging superhero addiction.
I was able to watch The Amazing Spider-Man 2 movie with my husband and my eldest son early this week. My movie review is well, saved for another blog entry.