No matter how well you plan and budget, there is no denying the fact that when you have a baby, you’ll be spending more than you did before. This is inevitable, but just because you’re spending more doesn’t mean you have to spend a lot more. In fact, when you look into ways that you can save money when you have a baby, there are many hints and tips around to help you. With that in mind, here are some of those tips to get you started.
Don’t Buy Too Far in Advance
Many parents start buying baby items as soon as they find out they are pregnant. They do so because they are excited, for one thing, and buying things for the baby is fun, but also because when you start early, you can spread the cost and budget more easily. It makes a lot of sense to do this, isn’t that right?
In reality, buying in advance can waste a lot of money. Babies grow so quickly that many parents find a lot – perhaps most – of the clothes they buy, for example, don’t even have a chance to be worn. Plus, each baby has its own individual personality and likes and dislikes, just like anyone else. One baby might love the bouncy chair you bought, and another might not. Sometimes it’s less wasteful to only buy the essentials and wait until they are born, and you can try things out in the store to check that they are suitable.
Buy Multifunctional Items
You’ll need a stroller and a car seat; you might even need some kind of carrier. Buying these things separately can be expensive, but if you can find an all-in-one system or a collection, you’ll often find things are cheaper – you’ll save money. If you’re looking for a collection that is a must-have for new parents, discover Nuna baby gear, strollers and car seats.
Alternatively, if you do want everything to be separate, only buy what you’ll need at the start – a car seat is essential, for example. You might want to wait to buy a stroller until you want to start leaving the house, and that might be a few weeks after the birth.
Forget Shoes
One thing is for sure; your newborn baby will not need shoes. They will need something to cover their feet if the weather is cold, but you can use booties or tiny socks – shoes are just not needed, and they can be a big expense. If you can do without them (and you can certainly do without them), then use the money for something else instead.
Batch Cook
Batch cooking when you have a baby and you’re busy – not to mention exhausted – has a number of benefits. To begin with, if you cook larger portions and freeze the spare food when you have the time, you’ll always have something to eat when you don’t have the time.
When it comes to saving money, batch cooking is just as useful. When you buy ingredients in bulk, you can often get good discounts and deals. Since you’ll be cooking more than usual, looking for buy one get one free offers and similar isn’t wasteful; it’s useful as it will save you money and give you what you need.