How to Remove Those Stubborn Bug Splats From Your Car

If there’s anything that annoys car enthusiasts almost as much as a scratch or dent on their beloved vehicle, it’s those annoying bug splats that accumulate on their car after a long drive. One or two is no big deal, but dozens of splats don’t look too attractive. To top it off, having bug splats on your windshield or back window can impair your ability to see while driving.

How to Remove Those Stubborn Bug Splats From Your Car

So, in response, it’s only natural to want to find ways to remove these blemishes from your vehicle. However, maybe you have a severe case of the splats, are having difficulty removing them, or are concerned about how to safely get rid of them without damaging your car in the process.

If you’re wanting to remove those ugly bug splats from your car, try the following:

1. Soak the area with water or bug splat remover

The thing with bug splats is that you never want to scratch or scrape them off your vehicle. Doing this may end up scratching or chipping off your vehicle’s paint job or leaving a nasty mark on your window.

For those pesky splats that don’t simply wipe away, it’s a good idea to soak the area with water for a few minutes before attempting to wipe them away once more. In more stubborn cases, you may need to soak the area with a bug splat remover spray before again attempting to wipe the debris away.

2. Use baking soda

There are dozens of great uses for baking soda, and according to Lifehack, it can also be useful to use to clean dirt and bugs from the exterior of your vehicle. That said, if the latter tip didn’t work, using baking soda to wipe away those extra sticky splats might do the trick.

Simply wet down the area on your vehicle containing the bug splats, add baking soda on top, let sit for a while, and then try wiping away the bug splats. Baking soda will help break up the stickiness of the splats and provide mild abrasion to help you loosen up the unwanted debris.

3. Try a clay bar

If worse comes to worst, and nothing seems to work, using a clay bar can be a great way to get rid of those splats. Clay bars are used to remove contaminants, including bug residue, from your vehicle that cleaning agents alone can’t. These bars are best used when your vehicle has been thoroughly washed, dried, and parked in the shade.

Using the best clay bar that money can buy, those ooey-gooey bug splats will be off your vehicle in a matter of seconds. Apart from bug debris, clay bars come in hand when it comes to removing brake dust, tar, and more.


No matter how clean you keep your vehicle, there’s always the potential that your vehicle will get covered in ugly bug splats at some point in time. Soaking the area, using baking soda, and utilizing a clay bar are all methods to help remove those icky splats on your car. In no time, your car will be sparkling clean again!

Published: 2019-09-27 18:00:24
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