How to Align Your Wardrobe With Your Personal and Professional Brand

As a business visionary, your undertaking is entirely focused on enhancing business expansion. That is perfect but did you know that you are an extension of your company and brand?

Whether you have defined it or not, you have a personal brand. People, friends, customers, and potential partners will make a judgment of your seriousness and professionalism based on your physical appearance.

Psychological and behavioural experts affirm that personal impressions are imperative to business deals.

How to Align Your Wardrobe With Your Personal and Professional Brand

Owing to the fact that you are an outward face of your company, it is logical to work on the style of clothing you have in your hand made built-in wardrobes to improve your personal brand.

The magnitude of care you allocate to your business is the same calibre of care that you should dedicate to your personal brand.

Cultivate your personal brand to rhyme with your company’s brand and values. Professionalise your grooming habits and make your personal image advocate for more deals.

Choose versatile and Adaptable Fashion Styles That Showcase True Impression of Your Brand

Always be sensitive to the image you portray through your garments. Top profile, versatile and fitting clothes are always reliable when it comes portraying the best image.

If for example, your business is modern, always look yourself on the mirror to ensure you depict that style. If you deal with trendy fitting fashion be on that trend style as well. This is to ensure that your customers get the quality of your products through your image.

Match everything from colours, shoes to fashion accessories. Check out some bags from If your organisation is casual and funny, then you can add some funny styles to represent your company better.

You Represent Your Brand 24/7 Everywhere You Go

Entrepreneurs should get away with the mentality of dependable ‘on’. You never know whom you will meet that can bring a hefty business opportunity to you.

It is essential to always be an ambassador of your brand in and outside your workplace. As you go out for business occasions, friend’s occasions, volunteer events or any kind of functions, always find something that will showcase your business nature.

Check all activities on your daily diary and match a fashion style for every event that will not compromise your business image.

Be an Example in Your Company When It Comes to Appropriate Dressing Code

If you are the leader in your agency, you should consider setting the reference standard of a perfect dress code. No matter how exhausted or bored you are, always consider your outfit as a priority. Ensure every member of your company adopts a professional way of dressing.

If you are the leader and you report to work in yoga pants, most employees will not see the essence of abiding by professional and official outfits. Be the example, set the dress tone and let your employees’ personality represent your company or brand to the outside world.

Plan What You Will Wear Before Morning or Time of Wearing

Planning what you will wear is to be done early if you wish to attain a streamlined and well-polished look. A last minute rush will create fashion mistakes that will compromise your general appearance.

Plan your wardrobe well, make sure all clothes and accessories for the week are well assembled. Shirts, dresses, pants, suits as well as matching colours of fashion pieces must be well-organised in your wardrobe at the beginning of the week.

If all these measures or interventions fail, you need to consider seeking the services of a professional stylist. A stylist considers your brand’s nature then plans the best fashion outfit for you. Look for aesthetic enhancement to improve your personal brand and advocate your business better.

Published: 2019-04-30 23:03:54
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