When you become a mom, many people feel uncomfortable and even guilty about spending money on themselves and treating themselves rather than their kids. If you are stopping yourself from enjoying your hard-earned cash because of the kids, here are some of the top ways that you can treat yourself and let go of the guilt that goes with it.

Look for discounts
If you are feeling guilty about spending money, or are trying to find ways that you can treat yourself on a family budget, you should search for discounts for your favorite brands and the products that you have been looking at for ages. For instance, if you want to look great and give yourself a makeover while caring for your kids, getting a Sephora discount can help you to get the best, high-quality make-up for half of the RRP.
Find free alternatives
Treating yourself does not always have to mean spending money, however, and many people adopt an essentials only budget when they start a family. If you are feeling guilty about using the family budget on yourself, there are many free alternatives to the things that you love to buy. For instance, you should consider heading to the library to get free books and DVDs rather than purchase these yourself, or even consider going on a walk rather than indulging in some retail therapy.
Take time for yourself
One of the best ways that you can treat yourself without spending much money is to take time for yourself. For instance, you might be able to find free childcare with a friend or neighbor and give yourself an evening of sitting back and indulging, whether that’s going to a local spa for a treatment by searching online for a ‘facial near me in Pittsburgh, PA‘, or amending this search to your location. You may even plan to go for dinner with someone you’ve not seen for a long time, or simply a quiet walk in your favorite spot. If you feel guilty doing this, you should consider taking the kids with you, especially for trips out such as to the movie theater.
Make sure essentials are paid for
To stop feeling guilty about the money that you are spending on yourself, you should first make sure that all of your household essentials are paid for before you take money out of your bank account. For instance, you should make sure that you have paid the bills, done a food shop, and got everything that your kids need. This will then ensure that you can spend money on yourself while still giving your kids what they need to be happy and healthy.
Give and take
However, with seemingly endless items that kids need every month, there is no reason why you should say ‘no’ to their 10th request for a new toy in order to pay for something for yourself. Rather than simply give all of your earnings to your kids, they will not be scarred for life if you choose to purchase something fun for yourself rather than them once in a while.
Know the importance of self-care
Lastly, it is important to get rid of the guilt that you have surrounding treating yourself in the first place. Self-care is important when you are a mom, and part of this is knowing when to treat yourself and give yourself the reward that you deserve. By performing great self-care, you will be able to give your kids the best version of you, and will be able to teach your kids the value of putting themselves first on occasion.