Most new mothers are completely surprised when changes happen to their body after they have their baby. Many assume that once the baby is out of their tummies that the body will return to its normal shape in no time at all and they can start to wear the clothes that they wore before they got pregnant. The unfortunate news is that it doesn’t exactly happen like this and though your body does turn back to some element of normality like it was before, your body will never really be the same. It’s important that you are aware of this so that you don’t experience post pregnancy blues or depression. You have made the choice to be a mother and you have so many things to look forward to, but keeping the body that you had before your pregnancy is probably not one of them.
This doesn’t mean that with hard work, exercise, and a good diet that you can’t get yourself back into great physical shape, but there are things that you need to be ready for like your postpartum period that may be much different from the periods that you had before you got pregnant. It can go either way and your periods might be heavier or lighter many months after you have had your baby. The following are just some other ways your body is going to change after you have your little bundle of joy.
- An extended tummy – Many new mothers expect their tummy to reduce in size the moment that the baby comes out of their bodies, but it doesn’t work like this and it takes quite a bit of time for your body to return to normal and for your uterus to go back to its original size. This means that your belly will be extended for some time, the drive to work will not be fun, and now may be the time to tell you that you’re probably never going to get that tight tummy that you had before again.
- The inevitable stretch marks – Your stomach is going to be stretched beyond anything that has ever been before and so as the skin begins to stretch, you will find that stretch marks will form and these will not disappear after you have your baby. If you want to cut down on the length and size of stretch marks then you really need to make sure that you don’t put on weight too quickly.
- Experiencing back pain – Carrying a baby around in your tummy for nine months can take its toll on your back and particularly the muscles at the bottom of your back. This is a lot of weight to be carrying around for an extended period of time and so your posture will suffer as a direct result. This means that you will not be standing straight and so this can affect your back in negative ways.
You will also need to be prepared for vaginal pain because after all a baby has just passed through there and so you might also experience some perineum pain due to small tears. With time however, your body will return back to some normality and you just have to grin and bear it for now.