Golf is started in Scotland during the 15th century. It is said that the persons who were taking military training were distracted by this game so it was banned in Scotland. Without going deeper into the history of Golf let us talk about the present scenario. Now Golf is popularly known as a gentleman’s game as many rules and etiquettes are followed by the Golf players. If you are a beginner and want to learn basic things about Golf then this article would help you up to a great extent.
Follow the basic rules and etiquette:
Before practicing anything, it is good to have theoretical knowledge. So, if you are a beginner go and read the rules and etiquette of Golf. This practice of yours would help you on course when you start playing golf. Rules are an important part of any game, so with the Golf. It is not necessary that you learn all the rules on your first day but tries to learn basic rules.
Also, if you know basic golf manners then it is also good for you. By doing so you will definitely be in the good book of experienced players and you will get to learn more from them.
Learn the basics:
Try to focus on the basic techniques this will strengthen your foundation. If the foundation of Golf learning is strong then you can learn all the advanced golf techniques easily.
The basic thing to learn about golf is the grip. If you get hold on it, you can learn various skills of Golf such as swing, iron play, chipping, etc. A good grip can take time so don’t lose hope and keep practicing as practice makes a man perfect.
Selection of Golf Course:
When you first time plays a game on mobile you choose the easy level this should also be done while selecting a golf course. Choose a course with little to no hazards. A challenging course can turn out to be disheartening for a beginner. Try to play less hole game like 3 holes in the beginning. After getting mastery over it you can play more hole game.
Selection of Golf club:
It is mentioned above that a beginner should choose a simple golf course so with the golf club. Choose the golf club according to your level. You should opt for such golf clubs which allow you to simply hit the golf ball. Instead of iron club, you should go for a hybrid club as it is specially created for beginners to hit the ball easily.
Shout ‘Fore’:
The meaning of the word ‘Fore’ is ‘Watch Out’. If you feel that your ball may hit someone or your ball may go into another player’s course then you should shout ‘Fore’. You should shout it loudly. You can also shout ‘Fore left’ or ‘Fore right’ to make it more specific.
Golf is gentlemen’s game and you should take care of the basic rules and ethics as this enhances your personality as a Golf player. So, let’s start your journey as a golf player and follow the above-mentioned tips. Zack Creed Golf a well-known name in the field of Golf carried his passion for the game through every stage of his professional life, exploring the many sides of the golf industry from management to teaching, playing and even marketing. Oakville’s Zack Creed has spent his career in various teaching and management positions such as head pro and golf director.