is definitely the place to go (or the website to visit) when it comes to unique, handmade items. Last year, I was browsing for vintage clothes when I stumbled upon these cool, geeky earrings on Beileil’s Etsy Shoppe.
Purchasing is easy on Etsy: create an account, browse for items, add the ones you like on your cart, choose a payment option, then checkout. Shipping fee will be imposed by the seller and will be included in the final checkout price. For my order, the shipping fee was $3.50 USD. I always use PayPal for my online purchases to secure my credit card accounts.
The seller sent me an email confirming my orders and she explained that my earrings might take a while to be delivered (one to two weeks, or three at the most) and since I’m her first customer from the Philippines, she had no idea how long exactly it will take for the items to arrive. She sent them through USPS and after a couple of weeks, I received a letter saying that I can claim my package at the nearest post office.
I ordered one pair of Circuit Board Earrings for $7.00 USD. I should have saved my old circuit boards and cut them into pieces if I had known they can be made into these.
I’m a Death Note fan. I had a Death Note pendant before but the design faded with time. These Death Note earrings ($5.00 USD) are made with cardboard and notebook paper for the inside pages. The logo was handwritten. Sweet!
Circuit Board Earrings – get your geek on!
The infamous Death Note notebook. Be good or I’ll write your name in it. Teehee. 🙂
Photo Credit:

cute no? yup may bayad din sa post office, pero mura lang. maybe the package wasn’t too heavy kasi.
ang cool! gusto ko rin geeky accessories. did you pay anything at your post office? sa min kasi sa mandaluyong minsan meron, minsan wala. haaay.