When I was in grade school, we were taught how to make melted crayon art paintings. Making one was so easy and fun.
For this melted crayon art project, you will only need a few basic materials and tools that you can easily find in your house.
- Crayons in different colors (preferably broken, old crayons)
- Candle
- Matchsticks or lighter
- Cartolina Paper, or any thick paper
- Old metal spoon
- Plastic Straws
- Disposable face mask
Prepare your work area. It should be clear of items that are flammable. Light the candle using a matchstick or a lighter.
Break crayons into pieces that would fit into the spoon and remove the labels. If you have old crayons, this is the perfect time (or excuse) to use them.
Heat the spoon and wait until the crayon melts. Black soot will appear but it’s normal. Make sure you’re wearing a disposable face mask to protect yourself from inhaling nasty chemicals.
Pour the melted crayon on the paper then let the kids blow it using a straw. Make sure the canvas is thick enough that the crayon doesn’t melt through. Continue melting more crayons and fill the paper with splashes of color.
My sister and my son had fun making this melted crayon art project. They later complained about how their jaws were aching (in fact their saliva was all over the canvas LOL) but they found it challenging as well.
Summer vacation has started and I have a handful of fun activities lined up for them. I’ve enrolled my eldest to a couple of summer workshops so we’ll be doing the planned activities during his free days.

We’ve done this activity before and it was a bit messy but the kids loved how the crayons melted. I’ll try this with my youngest.
Wow! So much fun. I remember we had the same activity on our arts class when I was younger.
Passing down old art activities to the kids 🙂
I remember doing this art project, too, in elementary. My son will be thrilled to do this.
I hope so! Thanks 🙂
I’m going to try this really soon. Thank you for this idea. 🙂
No prob! Thanks for the visit 🙂
This is an amazing project. I love it!
Thanks Pam! 🙂
This is a great project to do with the kids 🙂 Will try this out once they are a bit bigger 🙂
Yep! Thanks for the visit! 🙂
This looks like an easy project to do an all the materials are readily available.
It’s really easy! And fun! 🙂
My eldest daughter had a project like this for school. It was really nice. My only concern is the smell of the melted crayons. Even though the box says ‘non-toxic’, It smelled toxic to me. I don’t know if it has something to do with the brand, or if it’s just me. 🙂
True that, the melted crayons smelled bad. Kaya I used a mask, and make sure sa open area gagawa. 🙂
This is the best way to use the old crayons. :-). Will let my niece try this crayon art when i go to the province.
Save ’em old crayons! Thanks for the visit! 🙂
Fun way to do but I’m kind of scared kasi may apoy.
Just don’t let the kids near the fire. Thanks for the visit! 🙂
Another fun way to do art with crayons!
Exactly 🙂 thanks for the visit 🙂
I’ll keep this in mind when my little girl gets older. 🙂
Yes! Thanks for the visit! 🙂
This is a good art activity for kids! I used to do that in grade school, but I have a funny memory about it. I got a low score for the artwork because many of my classmates tried to “help” me, ruining my work in the process! They were just trying to help haha
Kids do the funniest things haha. Thanks for the visit! 🙂
Seems a fun summer activity for the kids! I’d let my kids try this over the weekend! Thanks for sharing!
You’re welcome! 🙂
My youngest would love this art project. Thanks for sharing
You’re welcome! Thanks 🙂
Another must-do-this-summer activity for me & my kid! Adding this to my list!!!!
Thankful that I was able to share this activity. 🙂
This is just exactly what I need. Another summer activity which the kids could try.
Thanks Vance! 🙂
I’ve been wondering how I can do this safely with the kids. This was one of my favorite activities when I was young.
Hi! Just take charge of the melting stuff. Thanks for the visit! 🙂
Oh I used to do this when I was a kid! Brings back all the memories.
Yes, old school art. 🙂
I will try this when the kids are a bit older. I fear that they’ll be more interested in the fire than the melted crayons haha. 🙂
I was super careful with the candle haha. Buti the kids were behaved and they never played with fire. 🙂
That’s a nice activity for kids, and a great way to use up broken crayons or those short ones that they already find hard to hold.
Thanks katjrod! 🙂