These trying times, it’s so easy to get stressed and be crippled by overwhelming anxiety. The uncertainty of tomorrow and the uncertainty of life, in general, make me anxious and powerless sometimes. So I do my best to unwind every now and then by doing the things I love — reading books, cooking new recipes, getting massages, or playing video games.
I started playing video games at a really young age. I remember PS1 as my first video game console. I also owned multiple Game Boy consoles and played numerous console games. And of course, I also played games on my PC — Petz 5 (Dogz 5 & Catz 5) being my favorite. Growing up, I got addicted to MMORPGs and MOBA. And right now, I’m getting interested with NFT gaming, which is on the rise here in the Philippines (hello Axie Infinity!)
Most games amp me up, but sometimes I just want to play a video game that will help me chill and relax. So I go to to choose from hundreds of browser-based online video games — for FREE! has a large game catalog and I normally go to the Arcade section because sometimes, I miss my old games. Most of the games under the Arcade category are inspired by the classics such as Pac-Man and Tetris. I wasted long hours on these games when I was in Grade School. No regrets LOL 🙂
I’m also into card games (only the easy-to-play ones), and my favorite is Solitaire. What a satisfying way to kill time.
I can play Solitaire for hours because it’s simply addicting.
My kid’s favorite is the Neon Invaders. The colors are just captivating and the gameplay is simply exciting. I think he checks on other games too and he would tell me that he loves playing games using his favorite cartoon characters. adds more games daily, so yeah my son is always excited to check some newly uploaded games.
My son also loves playing Chess and some games in the Education category.
One of my favorite video games of all time is Stardew Valley and I love its 8-bit retro feel. Although I think it’s more like 16-bit, but it gives me the nostalgia I needed all the same. It reminds me of Harvest Moon, the farming game that I loved when I was a kid. Stardew Valley is available on PC, Xbox One, PS4, Nintendo Switch, iOS, and Android. You need to pay a little to play this game, but it’s worth it because all the future updates are FREE and one interesting fact — it was created by ONE PERSON who had never made a game before. Thank you so much Eric Barone! 🙂
This Dungeon Knight is an 8-bit RPG logic puzzle game and it looks really cute IMO. The controls are easy to follow, and.. it’s FREE! 🙂
I think I will never outgrow playing video games, even if I turn a 101. Video games are just too precious for me to give up, and since we’re all gamers in the house, we’ll be spending the rest of our lives being entertained by video games, old and new. 🙂