- Reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes
- Improve joint stability
- Increase and improve range of movement
- Help maintain flexibility as you age
- Maintain bone mass
- Prevent osteoporosis and fractures
- Improve mood and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression
- Enhance self esteem
- Improve memory in elderly people
- Reduce stress
Regardless of how busy you are at work or in school, it is important to keep a healthy and active lifestyle. One of the biggest health problems in the world today is due to lack of activity. A sedentary person have higher risks to acquire heart diseases and ailments related to stress and inactivity.
According to About.com, just adding a little movement to your life can:
If you’re a typical couch potato, you can start with doing moderate activities like doing household chores, gardening, and walking. You can also visit the gym once or twice a week or jog every morning. Even  can make a difference. Motivation is also important to keep going. Ask a friend to be your fitness buddy or shop for quality fitness apparel to maximize your workouts.
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