I’m so sparkly I walk on glitter! Literally. Let’s start getting glitzy with my DIY Glitter Shoe Soles tutorial.
Why the soles? Two reasons. One, I’m a woman of subtle surprises and two, I’m not that confident covering the entire shoe with glitter. So here’s what you will need:
Prepare the working area. Pour mod podge glue into a plastic cup or onto a paper plate. Add a small amount of glitter and mix together using the paintbrush. You need to estimate the amount needed for one shoe.
Paint the mod podge and glitter mixture smoothly over the shoe sole.
This is the part where it gets fun and messy. Sprinkle glitter all over the glue-covered sole and gently tap with your fingers to secure glitters in place. Tapping also makes an even surface. Shake off excess glitter.
Let shoe #1 dry for 30 minutes. Repeat the same procedure for shoe #2 and let dry.
My cousin, Julienne, grabbed her old ballet flats and tried the glitter shoe makeover. Using the same turquoise glitters, she added black to make a darker shade.
The glitter flats! Unfortunately, she wore her flats on a rainy day and some parts peeled off. 🙁 It’s either the drying time in between layers is too short, the sealant spray didn’t work, or the shoe material isn’t suitable for this project. Don’t worry, I’ll share the tutorial once I get it right.
So, going back.. I made 3 layers (1 layer = cover with glue + sprinkle glitters + let dry for 30 minutes) for the soles. I suggest you wait for more than 30 minutes for the shoes to dry; let’s say over an hour, that is if you can wait. 🙂 To seal, paint with plain mod podge glue the next day. Let dry, then wipe off scattered glitters all over the shoes.
Voila! DIY Glitter Shoe Soles! I’ll try silver and gold glitters for my next shoe victims. 🙂

Did you seal it with a clear coat of anything? Did you have any problems with leaving a glitter trail?
So are the shoes slippery to walk on since the glitter is on the bottom of the toe of the shoe? I can’t wait to make my heels glittery! 🙂
Hi jennie! No, actually it’s the opposite because the surface is a bit course.