If one of your customers is faced with a choice between buying from you and one of your rivals—it probably goes without saying you’d rather they bought from you—yes?
What have you done to let them know that?
Better still, what have you done to make them want to do that?
There’s more to creating a lifelong customer than just giving shoppers a good deal. You have to let people know they matter to you. You have to show them you care. Most of all though; you must give them a darn good reason to do business with you again.
Here’s how to accomplish that feat.
Be the Only One
A strong way to encourage repeat business is to provide something shoppers are incapable of finding anywhere else. If you’ve cornered the market on a particular good, or you’re the only provider of a certain service, you’re already halfway home.
If you have competition, you’re going to have to work a bit harder.
Spend some time researching your contenders to get a feel for how they conduct business. Look for opportunities to differentiate your store by doing things they aren’t doing; or even better— can’t do. Maybe it’s the way you ship. Perhaps it’s the way you communicate. Whatever it is, try to find something no one else can provide and do it well—each and every time.
With that said, avoid getting caught up in undercutting your rivals on price. You’ll sour the market for everyone, plus you’ll make it more difficult to provide good service because your margins will be too thin.
Excel at Customer Service
When a shopper has a problem, fix it — no questions asked — even if it isn’t your fault. If you promise delivery by a certain date, make every effort to get the product in the customer’s hands before that date rolls around. Always deliver your goods with grace, in packaging that creates a strong positive impression.
Recognize birthdays, relevant holidays and personal events such as anniversaries. Send a card, or even better a free token of your consideration for being a loyal customer. This triggers what known as the “principle of reciprocity”. You did something nice for them, so they feel a sense of obligation to so something nice for you in return.
Show Gratitude
“Thank you, come again!” was a familiar refrain in the old-school days of brick and mortar retailing. Granted, the phrase was repeated so often it became little more than a footnote to the completion of a sale. However, the underlying idea is solid, and what is an ecommerce platform if not the face of retailing for the 21st century?
Know this: People appreciate being appreciated and even more so when you’re the sole source of something they really need. Too many sellers take buyers for granted when they think they have a monopoly. Meanwhile, that’s the exact time you need to be showing customers even more love.
Regulators are more likely to leave you alone if your customers are satisfied. Just ask Facebook, Amazon and Google what can happen when customers start complaining to the Feds.
Create a Rewards Program
Incentivizing customers to buy more, in exchange for an opportunity to win free gifts or be part of an exclusive group, is a great way to get shoppers to return to do subsequent business.
Send members discount coupons to perk up sales during what might be a slow period for you. Offer your best customers a peek behind the scenes in which they can learn of an upcoming product before everyone else.
You may have observed the unifying thread in all of these approaches is finding your customers’ needs and giving them reasons to be happy to use you to fulfill them. There exists any number of ways to make customers feel special. This is why these approaches are among the most effective tools for creating a lifelong customer.