How can I contact you?
You may reach me at or fill up the form below.
Who is Amethystine / Mommy Shane?
I’ve used a few online usernames and Amethystine kinda grew on me. Purple is my fave color so that’s where the “amethyst” comes in. But my real name is Shalene, and my friends call me Shane. I’m just not comfortable plastering my real name all over the internet, LOL.
I’ve been blogging since time immemorial, really, ’cause I can’t remember the first time I published a blog post. I used to post song lyrics and anything that catches my attention on Blogger ( Then I was on Tabulas, then LiveJournal, then Multiply. I think I’ve been blogging since 6th grade or early high school, back when blogging was simply a channel to express one’s self.
I was born an artist (yes, that’s what I’m trying to convince myself these past few years) but I grew up loving books, pens, and papers. I wrote poems, joined writing contests in school (and actually won in some), and was labeled by a professor as a “future novelist.”
So I’m having a right-brain vs. left-brain dilemma. I have a myriad of hobbies on both sides and I find it hard to focus on one. The same reason I haven’t started my first novel yet. 🙂 Kidding aside, I think I should have ended up in web design, or interior design, or culinary arts. 🙂
And honestly, I don’t consider myself a writer because I know a lot of great ones out there. But I believe in hardwork and perseverance.
I worked as a web copywriter/writer and as an SEO specialist (Search Engine Optimization specialist) for 4 or 5 years after I graduated college. I quit when I realized that I should be making memories with my children and became a full-time mom.
Right now I’m juggling multiple tasks and priorities as a SAHM. I’m both loving and hating every minute of it. 🙂
What is your blog about?
My blog started in 2009, as I transitioned to become a mother for the first time. I thought maybe I could start sharing my motherhood journey and all that sweet stuff that will follow beyond that. I can write about any topic that I want to but my favorites are kids, DIY crafts, and food.
I blog because I want to share my life experiences. My readers find my stories informative, helpful, and inspirational and that is exactly what my goal is — to make sense and substance.
Are you paid to blog? / Do you get paid for blogging?
Yes and No.
Yes, I accept cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions and other forms of compensation (free product samples for product reviews, gift certificates, blogger event invitations, etc.) For transparency, I categorized these ‘paid’ blog posts as Sponsored Posts. However, I still keep my integrity and write honest reviews. Read my Disclosure Policy for more info.
I also have a few ads on my pages but they don’t really add much to my stream of blogging income. Maybe when my traffic exceeds 1,000 per day.
Of course, not all of my posts are paid. As a matter of fact, most of my shared thoughts and experiences are exclusively my own, including money involved for a particular story. These blog posts are under the Personal Posts category.
Why work with Purple Pieces? (Blog Stats + Media Kit)
I’ve collaborated with a lot of brands and companies in the past and I must say that my strength as a blogger is my strong work ethic. I deliver what’s requested of me without having to compromise my integrity. You may check my Partners & Sponsors page to see all the brands who partnered with me in the past.
Blogging/writing is a passion of mine so freebies and forms of compensation are considered add-ons and blessings. However, I also don’t give my services for free (it’s difficult and expensive to maintain a blog, y’know!), unless I love, love, love the brand.
Each of my blog posts is well-curated and well-distributed on my social media channels. If you’re interested to know my reach, you can take a look at my Purple Pieces Blog Media Kit with real-time stats or my prepared media kit below. 🙂