It can definitely be a challenge to have “perfect” skin these days. After all, the air is more polluted than in decades past, and in some areas, the weather is so warm that it’s unhealthy to be outside for long periods of time.
Sure, there are some people who are born with great skin, but there are also a significant number of people who have very sensitive complexions. This can make it very difficult to avoid breakouts and inflammation.
To get more details on the products you can use to achieve clear skin even if you have sensitivities, click this link. Here are a few additional tips you may want to keep in mind to ensure that your sensitive skin is protected and looks its best.
Pay Attention to Your Skin
Notice the way your complexion looks and feels after you wash your face. If your skin feels very tight, dry or uncomfortable, you could be allergic to the facial cleanser you’re using. If you see that you have a persistent rash or red spots on your skin, your face wash could be the cause.
Check the ingredients for harsh substances that have been known to cause skin irritation, and choose mild cleansers with ingredients that you recognize and trust. Make sure that you find a quality moisturizer, so that your skin will be protected by the water in the product and will be less likely to peel in extremely hot or cold weather.
Monitor Your Time In the Sun
When you have sensitive skin, you have to be very careful about spending long periods of time outdoors. You may also find that your skin tans or burns easily, which means you’re sensitive to the sun’s rays and need to purchase a sunscreen with a very high SPF. Being in the sun without proper skin protection can also increase the chances that you’ll develop fine lines and wrinkles
If you have to be in the sun for more than 30 minutes or so, be sure to wear clothing that covers your skin and try your best to stay in the shade. It’s also a good idea to reapply your sunscreen every few minutes to be sure you’re getting all the protection you need.
Check Your Skincare Routine
Having a sensitive complexion means that you’ll likely have to find products that won’t cause breakouts and stick to them. If you find that you have to add new products to your regimen or see a cleanser or toner advertised that is made for sensitive skin, pay attention to how your skin reacts when you add something new to your routine.
If you notice that you have allergy symptoms or your complexion is duller than normal, eliminate the most recent product that you added to your routine and observe your skin for improvements. It may be that your skin can’t handle artificial ingredients like dyes or fragrances, or that you are sensitive to the synthetic fillers that are sometimes in cosmetics for the purpose of producing them in bulk.
If you’re buying your face washes and toners in a place where there is a skin care specialist to answer your questions and explain ingredients to you so you’ll know which items are designed for sensitive skin.
Do a Skin Test
Before you try a new cleanser, mask or makeup product, test it on your skin. Place a small amount of the product on the inside of your arm and leave it there for 48 hours to make sure that you don’t have an adverse reaction. It’s easier to get rid of a small rash on your arm than a blemish or breakout on your face.
Pay Attention to Your Diet
Finally, be mindful of the things you eat. Your diet can be reflected in your complexion, so if you’re not eating enough foods with antioxidants and nutrients and you have sensitive skin, you’re likely to experience breakouts.
Not drinking enough water can also lead to dehydration and a lackluster complexion, which is a sign that your skin is holding in toxins that need to be flushed out.
It may also be helpful to keep a food journal so you can observe the way your skin feels after eating certain foods and determine what you need to eliminate to maintain a healthy complexion.