Category: Kids

Don’t Hire a Childminder in Manila Before Reading This Eye-Opening Guide
Don’t Hire a Childminder in Manila Before Reading This Eye-Opening Guide

Moms often rely on childminders for help in balancing work and family life, especially in Manila’s busy environment. However, finding the right one can be tricky.  In this blog post, we offer a comprehensive guide tailored to Manila’s childcare scene. From legalities to cultural aspects, we provide essential insights to help parents make informed decisions […]

9 Learning Opportunities Beyond The Classroom
9 Learning Opportunities Beyond The Classroom

In the ever-evolving landscape of education, learning extends far beyond the traditional classroom setting. The notion that education is confined to textbooks and lecture halls is increasingly outdated, as students of all ages are discovering many avenues for learning in diverse and dynamic environments. These extracurricular learning opportunities complement formal education and equip learners with […]

Creative Allowance Systems for Teaching Money Skills
Creative Allowance Systems for Teaching Money Skills

Allowances can be a useful tool for teaching children important financial literacy skills. With creativity and care, allowances provide valuable real-world practice in budgeting, saving and financial decision-making. Tailoring an allowance plan to suit a child’s age and learning needs is key to their financial education.   Give Developmentally Appropriate Control The amount and type […]

5 Strategies for Teaching Children About Charity
5 Strategies for Teaching Children About Charity

Instilling the values of charity and generosity in young minds is an integral part of their moral education. It helps nurture empathy and compassion, shaping them into conscientious and community-minded individuals. Here are five effective methods to educate children about charity:     Lead By Example: Children are incredibly perceptive and exceptionally quick learners. They […]

Rediscovering Romance: How Reliable Childminders Can Keep the Spark Alive for Busy Filipina Parents

In today’s fast-paced world, busy parents often find it challenging to maintain the romance in their relationship. The demands of work, household chores, and raising children can easily leave little time for each other. For Filipina parents who face the additional pressures of balancing cultural expectations and familial obligations, the struggle to keep the spark […]

Childhood Leukemia Foundation Provides Valuable Insights on Caring for a Child with Leukemia
Childhood Leukemia Foundation Provides Valuable Insights on Caring for a Child with Leukemia

Finding out your child has leukemia is devastating for any family to deal with. Your child’s treatment is ultimately going to impact your entire family. Numerous visits to the hospital and concerns about your child’s health can cause you to feel anxious and exhausted. Many parents experience a combination of sadness, guilt, and anger that […]

3 Reasons Why Mathematics in Childhood Education Is Important
3 Reasons Why Mathematics in Childhood Education Is Important

Since the beginning of education, mathematics has been a required topic in both elementary and secondary schools. The importance of mathematics as a core academic topic can be attributed to numerous factors. The reality that mathematics is essential to comprehending the content of other school subjects like art, science, medicine, social studies, business, music, technology, […]

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