Category: Business

Why Coaching Could Be The Ideal Job For Modern Parents
Why Coaching Could Be The Ideal Job For Modern Parents

For today’s parents, life brings with it a unique set of challenges. The COVID-19 pandemic has led many parents to struggle both mentally and financially. Additionally, issues such as dealing with cyberbullying and rising screen time among children can cause tension in your family unit. If you’re looking for an outlet for frustration, as well as […]

Marketing Strategy
Marketing Strategy

Marketing strategy planning is an essential part of any small business’s development. It is the first step to establishing a unified corporate vision and mission statement and develops the framework for future business growth and development. It will identify and address key customer needs and build marketing programs and capabilities that complement and support these […]

Why it is Important to Implement a Marketing Strategy For Every Type of Business
Why it is Important to Implement a Marketing Strategy For Every Type of Business

Marketing strategy planning is vital for any business seeking to become more profitable. Marketing strategy is also referred to as marketing research and is a method that allows a company to focus its limited resources on the most profitable opportunities to improve sales and reach a sustained competitive edge. This strategic management of a company’s […]

Entrepreneurs Agree: Innovation is Essential

One of the great things about entrepreneurship is that it provides opportunities for people to leverage their creativity and ideas in ways that have immense potential to be profitable. In larger organizations with multiple layers of management, it can be difficult for forward-thinking ideas to be received, approved and implemented. In the entrepreneurial environment, the […]

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