Reading is the key and door, the welcome mat to another whole new world. One can get a book, read it, and then transport himself to almost anywhere out and inside the globe. How one can transport himself across the world is just by the ability of imagination and how the author has selected his words carefully. One can read books wherever, whenever and in any language of his preference. People who sit down and think of what to write are the kinds of people who even read more and more. People have different excuses not to read, but the option of not reading a travel book should not be an option that someone should have. Find more content concerning this topic on best essay writing service.
Below are some of the travel books that can read.
Isabel: Eat, Pray, Love, this is a book by Elizabeth Gilbert
This book entails the autobiography of finding oneself in a world trip that bases upon the interesting life an author is an American called Elizabeth Gilbert. This story comes after a nasty and long love affair that did not end well and divorce, then she decides against going across and visits three countries that are of her choice. She first goes to Italy, where she chooses to enjoy herself and eat. Then she goes to India, whereby she was having the hope of locating her spirituality, and for the last country, she goes ahead to visit Indonesia to find a quest for a balance.
Tom: by any means, this is a book by Charley Boorman
This particular book began life as a documentary for a follow up of a tv show. The actor who is starring in this book is Ewan McGregor and his friend, Charley Boorman. Charley was touring around the world with a cameraman and producer. They visit Australia from Ireland using any means that they could except the airlines. Charley Boorman was writing in his book about the different cultures that they met along the way.
Emma: neither here nor there this is a book by Bill Bryson
In each chapter in this book, Bill Bryson introduces us to a peculiar country in the continent of Europe. In this book, he also document s the travels that and the voyages around Europe. His frank honesty and enthusiasm will make it easy for one to believe that one is looking for northern lights in Norway or becoming brave during the Parisian traffic at his side.
Erin: a walk in the woods this a book by bill Bryson
It is another book by bill Bryson whereby he and his friend, whose name is Stephen Katz, go for a challenge that proved to be more troublesome and arduous than they would have ever imagined. The trip to the Appalachian trail in the United States, specifically the east side.
Emma: the gringo trail this is a book, Mark Mann
This book entails the exploits of the graduate in the oxford university. He embarks on a hilarious journey to self-discovery in South America together with his two friends and girlfriend.
This book’s stories will encourage someone out there to have the appetite to visit Peru or visit Bolivia for themselves.
These are just a few books to read about traveling, so I will encourage you to read more books that if you love to travel.