The bra, even with the changes it has had in recent years, is still one of the basic pieces when talking about women’s lingerie. Its shape not only defines the breasts, but also enhances increases or decreases them according to the piece chosen.
The bra is not completely standardized; Every day more models and varieties appear, among which are sports, pushups and reducers. Each woman can find a great variety of models that can adapt very well to her figure. That’s what we want to reach: there is a great variety of bras because there are a much greater variety of breasts. There is no way to standardize this.
Choosing a bra is not such a simple task, and in fact the decision to make better choices about it should be the reason why you read this. Many women buy bras of a size they would like to wear, but not one that really suits them. This is a big mistake, since in addition to completely damaging the effect that this bra could give, they are causing serious damage to your breasts without even noticing it.
The breast tissue is very flexible, and becomes easily flabby. The use of appropriate bras (that do not tighten the tissue but does not leave it loose) can prevent this from happening, or at least due to bad or incorrect use of a bra. Therefore, it is very important that you are able to determine your measurements, and beyond that, that you know locate it in a measure chart from sites like tuffwomen will solve your life.
Tips to Facilitate the Search for this Perfect Bra
The choice of a bra must be made according to three essential parameters: the cup, the band and the straps. The first two are the most important, since usually the straps are adjustable so that the woman uses it according to their proportions.
Among the considerations that you must bear in mind before making a purchase of bra on the internet or prior to visiting a store, we must:
• When trying on the bra, close the pins on the last row on the right (the widest position). Many women are unaware of this completely, which is a serious mistake. The bra usually stretches with the passage of time, and it is at that moment that you can make use of the pins to the left. Otherwise, rest assured that you will have a bigger bra sooner or later (that will not fit you, of course)
• Keep in mind that the measure of the band and the cup are complementary. The fact that two women use a C cup does not mean they have a breast of the same size. In fact, a bra 36B does not have, in any way, the same cup as a 40B. Obtaining these values comes from a relationship between the band and the cup, where the most common measures shared by women in a given size are averaged.
• When you are determining your measurement, never do it with a variant of a common bra, that is, with a push-up, reducer bra, balconet, bandeau, etc. At this time you should look for the most simple and flat support possible, so that the measurement obtained and the feeling you have when using it is as real as possible. Using a model of the above could alter your perception of the correct measurement.
• Do not cling to your size. Once you have determined a measure, you must locate the value of your cup and your band in the measures chart. This standard will be as accurate as possible to your needs. However, keep in mind that in different brands this could vary, changing at least one size less or more.
• Never wear a bra that presses your chest in order to protrude or something like that. This bad practice is more common than it seems in women and is one of the main reasons for the wear and loss of toning in this special part of the female figure.
If you already know all this, it’s time for you to go and look for the perfect bra. Always try to get comfortable in the bra you use, so you do not abuse your chest or your back at any time. The least you want is pain because of an inadequate bra.