Given all the other baby gear and equipment on your shopping list, it’s natural for new parents to want every baby-related purchase to work well in their favor. As one of the essentials, consider choosing the best double pram for your family’s needs and preferences.
There are a lot of factors that shape the decision on which double pram to wind up buying, so it’s common to look for a durable and long-lasting one. There are double prams with all sorts of features, each tempting you to buy this and buy that. It helps to learn from those who have gone through this shopping process before, especially since a double pram is only sometimes commonly bought. Thus, new parents have come to the right place today with this short but comprehensive guide when buying a double pram.
Measure Your Door And Hallway
Double prams have the reputation of being bulky and heavy, so with that, you have to take extra caution to be sure it fits through your door. Otherwise, you’ll have to stick with leaving your pram outside, something you may not be very keen on doing, mainly if you don’t live in a gated home, as in the case of city or apartment-dwellers.
Measure your door and hallway before shopping. It gives you that added assurance that it’ll be easy to take your pram in and out of your home, despite its size.
Choose Your Preferred Type Of Double Pram
There are generally two types of double prams in the market: side-by-side and tandem. Each has pros and cons, so ultimately, the decision boils down to preferences.
With that in mind, here’s a quick run-down of each pro and cons to help you make your choice.
Side-By-Side Prams
As its name implies, a side-by-side pram has two seats next to each other. A good side-by-side pram is one where each seat can recline independently, so both aren’t dependent on the other. Both babies may not be asleep at the same time, so it pays to have the ability to adjust the seats individually, as needed.
The Pros
- It enables you to see both little ones at once.
- It usually works better if you have twins, as both will ideally have almost the same routine. It’s also why a side-by-side pram can be referred to as a twin pram.
The Cons
- It can be wide, making it unfit for homes with narrow doors and hallways.
- Its width can also make it more challenging and heavier to maneuver, especially on uneven surfaces or when getting through tiny steps.
Tandem Prams
Tandem prams have one seat in front of another. It’s a better option for parents of a toddler and an infant when both kids aren’t spaced far apart.
The Pros
- It’s narrower than the side-by-side pram, making it ideal for families who live in narrow buildings and homes.
The Cons
- It’s longer, which makes it more challenging to go through doors and lifts.
- It can be harder to see the kid seated in the front seat of the pram.
Don’t Skimp On The Quality
Generally, most parents will use the same pram for an average of four to five years. If you’re going to use it almost every day, that means the pram will go through quite a beating. Choosing one that can withstand all the wear and tear is essential, so you don’t need to buy another in the next year or two.
Remember, prams, whether double or not, can be expensive. Please don’t make the mistake of bringing home a regrettable buy. Prioritize quality above anything else, even if it means paying a little extra for the pram.
Consider What You’ll Be Using It For
Yes, you’ll use the pram to go out and about, but dig deeper by assessing your lifestyle. It entails answering the question of what you’ll be using it for.
Say, for instance, you need the pram as your buddy to do errands. It means that storage space should be one of the top factors to which you’ll put a profound weight of importance next to the quality. If you’re a family who loves to travel, a double pram that’s easy to fold and unfold will come in handy. For those who enjoy going outdoors for family fun, choose good wheels and one with enough shock and suspension to get you through rough terrain.
Pick A Double Pram With Ease
Finding yourself needing to care for and transport two babies at once can be a daunting prospect to deal with. One baby is already a handful, let alone two. It’s double the blessing but also double the work; however, thankfully, manufacturers of baby gear haven’t given deaf ears to your woes. Double prams now exist, perfect for new parents of twins or kids born in close intervals. There are so many to choose from that it pays to learn from other parents who have made this decision before, as gathered from the insights above.