I had my first prenatal visit with my OB last weekend. She told me that based upon my ultrasound result, my baby is doing really well inside my tummy. She also made a few reminders for me to keep in mind:
- Take prenatal vitamins everyday: Iberet-Folic and Clusivol OB.
- Drink [maternity] milk everyday: Anmum Materna is still my choice.
- Drink lots of water.
- Avoid products with harsh chemicals and scents.
- Avoid the “extreme” when eating: Too salty, too spicy; too much fat, and too much sugar.
- Take rests in between chores.
- Avoid going to malls and other crowded places.
- No sexy time, at least for a couple of weeks.
I was given a Pregnancy Book to take with me during check-ups and for me to track my progress. I have to go back after a month and submit a CBC and Routine Urinalysis report.
My pregnancy symptoms at 7 weeks:
- Nausea. That queasy feeling in my stomach. Every single day.
- Fatigue. I always have to rest/sleep in the afternoon.
- Emotional. I cry too easily, even in situations when I shouldn’t.
- Food cravings and aversions. The aroma of garlic is heaven; Nah for foul stench of fishes and vinegar.
- Zits. Plus two more this week.
- Occasional dizziness. I’m anemic, that’s why.
My “blueberry” baby is on its 7th week! Already half an inch in size, its brain is forming, as well as its kidneys, and its arm and leg joints. (Source:Â babybump.com)
I asked my Dad if I can have this book, Pregnancy for Dummies. I found this among his stash of abubots yesterday. He said he scored it from a garage sale. Yay thanks dad!