Parenting is one of the toughest yet the most rewarding of all jobs known to men. Being a parent is a lifetime responsibility, so parents and parents-to-be need to become role models for their children to look up to.
Child rearing on a daily basis can be a drag, but your efforts will all be worth it when your kids grow up to be good citizens and responsible adults.
1. Take a Break and Have Fun
Your children will eventually grow into adulthood and you want them to remember that although you worked hard to provide for their needs, you also know how to take breaks when you’re exhausted. I would like to call it mothers or fathers rights but in simplicity, it’s called Self-care.
Remember the saying, “You can’t pour from an empty cup”? It’s important that your physical and mental health are your priority because you pretty much can’t do anything when your well-being is being compromised.
When you feel burnt out, try to arrange ME time or quality time with your kids. As you do this, you’re teaching them how to unwind, how to recharge. You help them realize that in life, they need balance.
2. Learning is Lifelong
A love for learning is one thing that you need your kids to pick up once they understand its concept. Whether it’s collecting and reading books, joining a team sport, learning a new hobby, or traveling to a new place, learning should be a constant in your kids’ life and yours. By showing them your eagerness and willingness to be taught, you’re also teaching them to embrace the importance of learning.
Learning doesn’t stop in school. Learning is a process that we go through everyday.
3. Be Resilient
Resilience means recovering quickly from difficulties. It means being able to “spring back” when you’re being pulled into different directions. It also means not getting stuck when you hit rock-bottom. It’s a quality that you want to show your kids for them to be able to acquire it as well.
You lost your job? Revise your resume and start applying for potential jobs. Your son failed his Math exam? Talk to him and say a single exam doesn’t define him as a person and things will eventually get better next time. No matter the situation, you show your children that you’re always the one who finds solutions to problems.
4. Yes is Yes, No is No
Let your Yes mean Yes, and No mean No. When you say your kid is grounded for a week, let it be. Don’t get swayed with little displays of affection or bribes. You need to be firm as it will teach them to honor their word.
5. Be Kind
Always be kind. Kindness is free and it’s a simple solution to most problems that society is experiencing right now. Start kindness at home and you’ll see that your kids will be kind to other people as well.