5 Cute Newborn Photography Themes

There’s not a single thing cuter than a newborn and as we all know, it’ll feel like the blink of an eye before they are grown up already. It’s hard to think about but keeping that in mind is going to make sure there are as many pictures as possible taken along the way. The perfect theme for your newborn photoshoot is going to make the moments feel all the more special.  

Understanding the importance, and knowing you’ll cherish these photos forever, can really build up the pressure on parents but there’s no need to worry. For those not sure where to start, here are some great ideas for themes that are all adorable as can be. 


5 Cute Newborn Photography Themes


Focus On The Hands

Nothing is cuter than those little digits on your baby’s hands and you’ll never want to forget just how special those tiny little things were. In the shoot, having just some photos focused on their hands will be fascinating on their own to show how delicate and precious newborns are. 

There’s also a great chance to really show off the size by having a few photos with the parents holding the baby’s hands. Having the juxtaposition will not only show how fragile a newborn truly is but also how much growing there is yet to do.


Wrapped Up Tight

Any newborn photographer would be thrilled to recreate and capture what the moments looked like as soon as you were leaving the hospital with your newborn. As we know, when the baby is leaving it’s the top priority to keep them safe and warm. Why have a piece of those memories to hold on to forever?


Bring In The Siblings

Given your newborn isn’t the only child, include the now older siblings in this process. Not only will your older children love to be included but having photos of all of your children here shows off the bond between them as well as the excitement and responsibility of having your older child (or children) in a new role of responsibility and guidance for their baby sibling. 


Incorporate The Holidays

The most fun thing about doing this is that no matter which holidays are coming up, there’s a great themed photoshoot for any of them. Who isn’t going to love seeing a Valentine’s Day baby and what is going to be cuter than a photoshoot completely themed around Christmas and the little gift your newborn truly is? 

For those who want to capture every step of their baby’s life, doing another set of photos for every holiday is the perfect way to see how they are growing from month to month and it’s a perfect thing for your parents, the in-laws, and extended family who are going to love expecting these in the mail every couple of months.


Bring In Both Parents

Going with this route makes for a few interesting options that will all pay off in their own ways. It’ll be easy to capture the early bond of your new family as well as create a reminder of who you were, as parents, when you brought a baby into your life.

Published: 2022-05-09 11:50:39
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