As a parent, you know that life isn’t all about spending money. There is always plenty to do if you have the money to pay for admission tickets or eat out at your favourite family restaurants, but that gets expensive – and old when it taps into the monthly budget! So then, what can you do to have a bit of fun with the kids that will keep them entertained? Something that will teach them that there is much they can do in life that costs little to nothing and will be just as much fun as many of those costly attractions they are always begging you to take them to. Here are some ideas.
1. Create Your Own T-Shirts
This is so much fun that your kids might be begging to do this again and again. It costs very little to buy a few fabric paints, and t-shirts you can always find at bargain prices. However, as a word of caution, you might want to do this outside with a lot of newspapers spread out. Having said that, we could ask if people still read them anymore! Simply put some old clothes on the kids and let them go to town. Handprints are always nice, but you’d need to immediately take them to the sink. Dried fabric paint can be difficult to peel off their small hands.
2. Backyard Camping with a Bonfire (and S’mores, Of Course!)
This is something foster parents enjoy doing with the kids they are caring for. Many of them have little experience with time spent just with the family. Some were abused and others neglected. When having kids placed with them through a private foster care agency like in Derby, for example, prospective foster parents quickly learned just how many kids were in need of a loving, stable home with a family. Camping out in the backyard costs nothing and the ingredients for S’mores cost a couple of pounds, at most.
It’s the idea of spending time together doing things that cost nothing that is so awesome. Every kid needs that family connection, that loving bonding, which can only happen in the quiet moments when there is nothing BUT family surrounding them. They learn to be a part of a whole rather than an isolated being on a deserted island. It’s that connection that counts, not the S’mores – but they matter too!
3. Taking a Seasonal Stroll Around Town
Not only is this a fun way to spend time together, but admit it mums and dads, that little bit of exercise won’t hurt either! This is something you should do at the beginning of each season. In the winter you can walk hand-in-hand to see all the Christmas decorations as they are lighted and in the spring you can look for all that new life in plants that are starting to pop through the soil.
Just a matter of weeks later, as the summer approaches you can take that very same walk to see all the blossoms that smell so lovely. Then in autumn you can gather all the colourful leaves that are falling to the pavement. Take them home for yet another artsy activity like making a collage of falling leaves from a tree they’ve drawn on posterboard.
It’s Always All About Family After All
There is so much to do that doesn’t cost much but will keep the kids entertained for hours on end. The whole idea is to spend more time together sharing the love and bonds of family and that is the most awesome activity of all.