101 Things To Do At Home from a Stay-at-Home Mom

The idea of staying home during this coronavirus quarantine might trigger anxiety, but don’t worry because this professional homebody’s got your back! 🙂

Others would always assume that stay-at-home moms are lazy. Sorry to disappoint you, but I don’t just sit on my butt all day. I have a never-ending list of things to do, from tending to my kids first thing in the morning to reading an Autism ebook before I go to bed.

Do I get bored?

Not at all. I have this innate curiosity to read a new book, start an exciting hobby, try a viral recipe, or jot down a homeschooling strategy. In short, staying at home ain’t so bad at all. 🙂

I could have written down a thousand things (including my mommy duties of course), but I get that not all my readers are moms. So here’s my 101 Things To Do at Home and may this list inspire you to become busy and productive during this COVID-19 crisis.


101 Things To Do At Home from a Stay-at-Home Mom

  1. Create a meal plan
  2. Start a gratitude journal
  3. Enroll in an online course
  4. Organize your computer files
  5. Create a vision board
  6. Play Backgammon online
  7. Read books/ebooks
  8. Binge-watch a KDrama
  9. Plan your week on Passion Planner
  10. Clear your email
  11. Cook a new recipe
  12. Track your expenses
  13. Build a self-care plan
  14. Watch a sappy movie
  15. Create personalized photobooks
  16. Try 10-minute home workouts
  17. Start a hobby
  18. Do simple home repairs
  19. Organize paper clutter
  20. Grow plants
  21. Write a bucket list
  22. Do the laundry
  23. Do a 30-sec plank
  24. Read articles on how to achieve Instagram Feed Goals
  25. Meditate
  26. Donate money for a good cause
  27. Start an online business
  28. Set up a blog
  29. Deep-clean your bathroom
  30. Sing karaoke
  31. Sanitize your phone
  32. Take a nap
  33. Drink your favorite tea
  34. Learn how to play a musical instrument
  35. Track your daily water intake
  36. Play with Lego
  37. Try on different outfits
  38. Watch a YouTube tutorial
  39. Take a long bath
  40. Learn yoga
  41. Watch a documentary on Netflix
  42. Destress with a spa night
  43. Make whipped coffee
  44. Create a scrapbook
  45. Listen to an inspirational podcast
  46. Bake cookies
  47. Learn a new language
  48. Update your social media profiles
  49. Take virtual tours of museums
  50. Make jewelry
  51. Play cards
  52. Catch up on the news
  53. Discover your personality type
  54. Call/video call a friend
  55. Play charades
  56. Update your resume
  57. Attend a free webinar
  58. Discover new music on Spotify
  59. Read an informative article online
  60. Play board games
  61. Revisit old photographs/photo albums
  62. Make a dessert
  63. Rewatch your favorite films
  64. Check for expired food items in your pantry
  65. Solve a crossword puzzle
  66. Download Homescapes
  67. Explore TikTok
  68. Follow an artsy Instagram account
  69. Write a letter to your future self
  70. Write down your life goals
  71. Watch a funny movie
  72. Spend time doing jigsaw puzzles
  73. Prepare a healthy meal
  74. Practice photography
  75. Do some facial exercises
  76. Learn calligraphy
  77. Style your hair
  78. Have a BBQ in the backyard
  79. Post an Instagram story
  80. Try making mocktails
  81. Chill with your pet
  82. Finish a coloring book for grown-ups
  83. Watch a theater show on YouTube
  84. Find a WFH (work from home) side job
  85. Set up a party at home
  86. Watch live-streaming gigs by your favorite artists
  87. Do some nail art
  88. Join online doodle sessions
  89. Recite a positive affirmation
  90. Subscribe to a streaming service
  91. Make homemade pasta
  92. Treat yourself to a facial mask
  93. Virtually connect with a loved one
  94. Attend an online dance class
  95. Camp in your backyard
  96. Sell something online
  97. Order lunch via GrabFood
  98. Do some DIY projects
  99. Read poetry
  100. Invite AR animals into your home
  101. Do nothing. 🙂

FREE Online Learning Resources to Keep Your Kids Busy & Entertained During Coronavirus Quarantine

That’s it! I hope I left you with something to do.

Do you have any suggestions to add to this list? Let me know in the comment section below! 🙂

Published: 2020-04-21 12:23:37
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