My 8th week of pregnancy is much better than the previous weeks. I can handle nausea and fatigue a lot better, thanks to all the articles and books I’ve been reading. This week, I will be focusing on my weight gain.
My pre-pregnant weight is 93 lbs. My low body mass index (BMI) shows that I’m underweight. According to my pregnancy book, too much or too little weight gain affects my baby’s health and my own. It presents a weight gain guide and a weight gain chart to track my progress. Here’s how to do it:
- Take your pre-pregnant weight and height to get your body mass index (BMI) using this BMI calculator.
- Refer to the guide below (or the chart above) to get your expected weight gain during pregnancy based on your BMI.
If your BMI is:
- LOW (<18.5), you need 28 – 40 lbs weight gain
- NORMAL (18.5 – 24.9), you need 25 – 35 lbs weight gain
- HIGH (25.0 – 29.9), you need 15 – 25 lbs weight gain
- OBESE (>30.0), you need 15 lbs weight gain
My baby is now .63 inches, the size of a raspberry. At 8 weeks it’s starting to grow taste buds. It’s already moving but I can’t feel it yet. The tail is also almost gone, making his/her look more human. 🙂
My pregnancy symptoms at 8 weeks:
- Nausea and Fatigue. More manageable now.
- Tummy Cramps. This is due to my expanding uterus.
- Sore Breasts.
- Heightened sense of smell.
- Occasional tummy issues. Constipation and bloating.
- Moodiness.